Nov 3, 2016

Welcome! :)

Hey everyone!
If you're reading this, welcome to my world! This is officially my first blog post, and... Fun fact... I'm writing it from 30,000 feet, which just feels right, since I truly feel on top of the world now compared to where I was a couple years ago. I'm so excited that you're here for the very beginning of this new adventure. It's been a dream of mine for a while now to invite others into my world, and share with them about where I am from where I was, physically, mentally and emotionally.
Every one of you at any given point has a story, with a beginning, a middle, a yesterday and a right now. And from my heart to yours, I'm here to tell you that just because each piece of your story may have had a hand in shaping who you are today, it doesn't define you. You get to define you. You are not required to be the same person you were even 5 breaths ago. And you also don't have to sit there and think it's going to take you years to become who you've wanted to be for so long. And when I say who you want to be, I'm really talking about just actually being yourself. Letting who you already are, outside of the walls of your own being. If you feel like what you're wanting is impossible because you want to be someone that you're just not, that's not usually what's actually going on. For example, if it is a desire of your heart to be loud, goofy, carefree, and outgoing, but you're just "not that person", let me blow your mind for a minute. That's NOT true. Those desires for a "different" personality are in your heart because it's who you already are. It's a matter of finding your courage, freeing yourself of the insecurities and fears that have kept you from walking in that identity for so long. Just letting go. It starts with a decision. The minute you make that choice and speak it out loud for your ears to hear, and you allow your world to shake with the positive vibration of your words, something changes. It's done. It's been chosen, it's been spoken, and now it is just for you to walk in that desire. 
I could go on and on about this one thing, and in my future posts, I definitely will. But I'm touching on it right now to tell you a little bit about how I got here, and why I feel so compelled to share about it. Yes, I will be your personal trainer in all things health and fitness. But this first step is important, because it all starts with confidence in who you are already, right now. If you skip it, you could physically be in the best shape of your life and still feel unhappy.
I lived a life in complete bondage to that very dangerous and limiting way of thinking up until only a couple years ago. That what I'd done, what I've been through, the choices I'd made, how I'd been treated by others, the feelings I felt about myself, were WHO I WAS. And when I let myself entertain the idea even for a moment about possibly ever being that girl that was confident, radiant with genuine joy, funny, outgoing, beautiful, brave and the list goes on... I would stop and think, "well I'm not like that so that must just not be who I am." And it would go back to, "I'm shy, I'm afraid, I'm insecure, I care what people think and that's just me and that's okay. Everyone's different." Yes everyone's different, and that's what makes us beautiful. But those desires to be more than the shy girl trying to please everyone were not just desires of a life out of reach where I would have to just "fake it til I make it," and even then only to just "appear" to be the confident girl without actually being her. But I realized those wants were in fact characteristics of who I actually am, pre-courage to walking them out. And I can prove it! When I tell people i meet today that I was quiet, shy, fearful of opening my mouth in front of a group of people for knowing how red my face would always turn to have sometimes even just one person looking at me while I would talk about something... They laugh in my face! Because the so-called "change" was so real. I wasn't a different person, I was just me after having experienced a genuine escape of the prison that kept me from being the real girl that I actually was all along. And when that happened, yes I had a ways to go to the health and fitness level I wanted, the friendships I wanted, the relationship I wanted, the self love and love for others that I wanted, the goals and the dreams. But I already was those things. My mind and heart were there even though my life wasn't yet. And that's where the fun begins. Know who you truly are, loved and beautiful and uniquely you. Then recklessly abandon any fear that keeps you from walking in that truth. You have the power to completely transform yourself with the words you speak, the faith you have in those words, and then just joining in the beautiful dance that is your life. At times your steps may feel lost and clumsy, but if you don't stop there, you will experience the times they feel graceful beyond belief, majestic, even otherworldly. So just keep dancing ðŸ’œ


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